AH64-D Longbow Patch Disk Installation Procedures Dear Jane's Combat Simulator pilot, Thank you for your purchase of Jane's AH-64D Longbow. We hope that the use of this patch serves to improve the performance quality of the game and enhance your enjoyment of "Longbow." For details concerning the improvements made in this patch, consult the file PATCH.TXT (expanded immediately upon execution of the LB108.EXE file). For best results, read the following instructions carefully: 1) Insert the disk containing the patch program LB108.EXE into your A: disk drive. Note: The file LB108.EXE is a self-extracting archive. Multiple "patch" files are contained within this file. 2) Get to a DOS prompt (if you are not already there). If your operating system is Windows 95, you should be able to find an MS-DOS Prompt icon by clicking on "START", and then on "PROGRAMS." 3) Change to the LONGBOW directory on your hard drive by typing "cd\" The default directory for the game is "Janes\Longbow," so, in most cases "cd\janes\longbow" should work. 4) Copy the LB108.EXE archive from the A: disk to the LONGBOW directory by typing: "COPY A:\LB108.EXE C:\\" 5) Expand the LB108.EXE file into its "patch file" components by typing the name of the file: "LB108.EXE" 6) Verify that the "patch files" have been expanded properly by typing: "DIR PATCH*.*" This command should list four files: C:\\ PATCH.RTP C:\\ PATCH.RTD C:\\ PATCH.TXT C:\\ PATCH.BAT 7) To complete the installation, type: "PATCH" This will run the batch file that will modify the existing LONGBOW game files. 8) Once installation is complete, you will see a message that reads: "Total File Patches Processed .. ( 08)" 9) You're done! Reboot your computer system and run LONGBOW as normal. Remember to use the appropriate shortcut and/or boot disk required to configure your system to run the game. We thank you for your continued interest in Jane's Combat Simulations! Check your favorite software outlet for the AH64-D Longbow "Flash Point: Korea" add-on disc. "Flash Point: Korea" includes a variety of gameplay enhancements as well as featuring new and exciting missions guaranteed to test the depths of your mettle and the limits of your piloting skill! Good Hunting! Out. AH64D Longbow Patch Installation Jane's Combat Simulations W e c r e a t e w o r l d s AN ELECTRONIC ARTS COMPANY